Saturday, May 3, 2008

Fair ish Foul and Foul ish Fair

a fitting title...

Well, Roh's not in the greatest of moods today.
It started when I was at work. I went in with a better outlook than usual, 'cause there's the possibility that I won't be working there much longer. A Dover Saddlery ish opening up just down the road from where my mom works and she was in there talking to the manager 'bout me, and the she's really interested in hiring me. Expect to here from her Monday.
But, when I got to work, I discovered that my boss had me down for Friday and Saturday of next week, which I told her I couldn't work 'cause of the Garden State Horse Show. *growls*

Then there's school. Need to finish working on my pages for our Creative Writing final project. Need to study for exams which are not this coming week, but the week after.
I'm not even going to go into it...

Been extra stressed lately 'cause Carlo abcessed last Sunday, and it finally popped Thursday. But the hole was HUGE. Our farrier, who popped it, could stick his finger in the whole, and that's no easy feat 'cause he has really big hands. So we gave Carlo some time and I'll be getting on him tomorrow....

Then, there's the Derby. I was at work when it went down, but I taped it. I just finished watching it and I'm trying not to cry. Eight Belles, the only filly in a field of 20, and the first filly to compete in the last 9 years, came in second. She ran a great race, but afterwards had to be put down on the track. Her injuries were so severe that they couldn't even move her off the dirt.

I'm going to stop now, or I will start crying, despite how angry I was when I got on with intentions of posting a longer, quite ranty post. But I'm going to end here with the remembrance of Eight Belles.


KaleCharis said...

Did you hear from the lady at the Saddlery yet?

Yeah, It was really sad about Eight Belles. I wanted to cry when I heard about it. That's just not right.

Anonymous said...

Your boss should write things down or post a calendar so you can mark days you need off. I'm sure you'll have those days off though knowing how important it is. Hope you get the other job.

Anonymous said...

Can't believe you have over 29,000 words written on your book!!!