Sunday, July 15, 2007

I'm such a sarden woolhead... *sighs*

Being 17... 'specially being only 5' ish not easy.
I was taking on habits I didn't even notice from people I don't want to be like, but was forced to be around. I was getting snappish, and frustrated, and didn't notice.
I almost lost my best friend, because I snapped at her and didn't know it. *cries*

Luckily, I've got a Tree. She and I talked, and she opened my eyes to what I was doing/how I was acting...
Then she put Mandi and I together, and we talked. Mandi got worried 'cause I started crying, but... that's how I am, and Tree knows that and told Mandi not to worry. We smoothed everything out, and patched it up.

So... I'm feeling a bit better now...
after our talks of getting respect, and living as a tomboy, in a world of girly-girls...
It'll pass... or, we'll fix it... I'm gonna stop what it was that I was doing... and try and be a better person now that I know...


Holli said...

Aw, Roh. *hug*

Sarden woolhead? I think you've been reading a bit to much Wheel of Time. Even so, know that we love you, even when you get snappish and act like a whoolhead.

Holli said...

EDIT: Whoolhead? Ugh. Woolhead.

Roheryn said...

that, and too much of the Provost's Dogs trilogy... that's where the sarden comes from...

*sigh* I thought *Dives under table* for a moment, that you were pointing out MY spelling error... heh heh

Holli said...

Oh, no! My error. Sorry Roh.

kkbatgirl1 said...

hi you are not a sarden head but if you had coffe that day you might of acted like one well post me back your friend kayla from the tour!luv ya