Sunday, April 6, 2008

Horsey Post

'course, I really can't go that long without a post all 'bout what I've been doing with Carlo, can I?

Well, We're getting ready for Garden State. I know, 'tisn't until May 7th. That doesn't mean that we don't have a lot of preparing to do. Turned in our entry form and open check for the classes. My mom's turning in a check Tuesday for stall, bedding, trainer/staff accomodations and such. Cheaumont ish in a permanent barn. Yay! No tent, no flimsy stalls, water and electric right there. A nice wide aisle with cross-ties. We were in Permanent Barn C last year... no idea where we'll be this year. Carlo and I are going to show in the Marshall and Sterling Bit O' Straw, which ish on Wednesday. And our Pre-Children's Hunter classes are on Saturday. My mom might show him in Hopeful Hunters, on Wednesday, Beginner Eq. on Saturday, or Pleasure Horse, which ish also on Saturday.

So, as of now, the plan stands that I will go up Tuesday night. Ride on Wednesday. Come home, go to school on Thursday, and head back up Thursday night and stay through Saturday. We're brining our RV up, so I've got lodging. I'm trying to convince my mom to let me miss Thursday, since all we'll be doing ish reviewing for exams the next week. If so, I'll pick up my trainer's daughter on Tuesday afternoon, after school and we'll head up together and be up there all week. I'm really hoping, and with one conversation I have my mom at least halfway convinced, so pray for me!

We don't have any shows between now and then. The only one we might have gone to, is Saturday, at Palermo, but my trainer will be away that day, with the Steven's College team, 'cause they qualified for Regionals. 'Tis also the day of the Angel Flight horse show, so part of the barn might be going to that. So we decided to sit this one out. Gives us less to worry 'bout before Garden State anyway.

I rode Thursday through Sunday this past week. On both Thursday and Friday I heard the same lecture at the beginning of lessons. I guess that, and all the work on the two points of contact really paid off. 'Cause when I got in the saddle today, everything felt PERFECT. My position was perfect, Carlo was EXCELLANT, even the things that usually trouble me, were right there where I needed them. And for some reason it was all EXTREMELY easy to hold. I LOVE it when things like that happen. I'm hoping that my riding test for college ish one of those days.

Oh, ih, that brings me to one other, slightly related topic. I've picked a college, and I'm a deposited student! As of Fall 2008, I will be an official Wilson Woman! Huzzah!
I plan to do a triple major. ((Hear me out, not as crazy as it sounds...))
The plan ish to major in Equine Business Management, Equestrian Business Management, and English with a focus on Creative Writing. That being said, I'm rather excited.
The only part that I'm not too excited 'bout ish leaving. My mom wants me to settle in the first year, and not have anything distract me. Now, while I agree with the sentiment, I HATE the fact that that means leaving Carlo at home Freshman year.
One of the women at the barn joked on Saturday, that I take a WHOLE lot of time grooming Carlo on the cross-ties. And my excuse was, I'm going to college in August and leaving him at home. Gotta get in as much time with him as I can. And I have noticed that 'tis harder and harder to tear myself away from him to leave the barn to go to work, or whatever. I just want to stand there in his stall and lean against him, and pet him, and relax with him.

'kay... I'm rambling on, and I need to go to bed...
'Twill be torture Waiting 'til Thursday to see Carlo 'gain...


Anonymous said...

Congrats on the college acceptance!

Anonymous said...

Loved your randomness on my blog!