Wednesday, January 9, 2008


tis weird, my blog turned from the, Online diary that I meant it to be to a "when-I'm-'bout-to-blow-come-here-and-rant-instead"...

but that's 'kay... leads to less mess 'cause I blow up less :P

I've been really stressin' lately... between School, Homework, Carlo, and work I have just 'bout no time...
I don't even have the time I wish I had with Carlo because of all the other junk that keeps getting in the way.
And ,I know, August sounds far off now, but, its a lot closer than we realize... I mean, look how fast last year flew by...
and in August, I'm going off to college... without Carlo. I want to be spending every spare moment with him, starting now, before I leave... but it feels like I have less and less spare moments. And the farm being 20+ minutes away, I can't just, pop over there for a quick, Hey'a... And I haven't been doing as well in shows 'cause I haven't had the time out there that I used to, and we moved up 6"...

and then there's work... I hate standing there at the register for a couple of hours. My feet hurt, and all that repitition ish really messing with my riding, and not in a good way.
some of these people that I have to deal with are downright rude. Most of them are okay, but those few... *rolls eyes*
By the time I leave, tis late, my feet hurt, and I'm starved.
the only bright spot in that ish that one of the other cashiers and I have become great friends.

then there's the fact that I feel like I don't have time to get all my homework done some days because of work

and most of the friends that I'm really close to? they live a couple of hours away, at least... the people I want to see the most, are the ones I see least...
Don't forget my 'friend' from my previous post, that whole situation ishn't helping my stress level either, for the record...((I know, what record? we're keeping one? :P))

And I haven't been sleeping well... I'm a night owl by nature, it takes me FOREVER to fall asleep, and then I have to get up early to go to school....

I'm going to try that now... bed... book... Carlo tomorrow, for a short time, 'cause I have to rush back for my Creative Writing Poetry Reading...


Anonymous said...

wow. you're dealing with a lot your senior year! any time you need to blow off steam, stop by my blog!

Holli said...

Aw, Roh. *hug* Email me sometime, if you just want to talk. I'm not going to be on IM much, but there's always other avenues to chat.

Love you, girl! And what's up with the colleges that you're not taking Carlo?

Roheryn said...

My mom won't let me take him Freshman year... she wants me to 'settle in' and 'get the feel for college' before I complicate it by bringing Carlo...

but I told her I'm not waiting 'til Junior year like one of the other girls at the barn did, I'm taking him Sophmore year... and she 'greed

Anonymous said...

Can't leave your best friend home : )

Thanks for sharing on my blog.

WayneThomasBatson said...

WHOO, Senior years are tough. Believe it or not I nearly failed my Senior English class. Came down to the last day, last test.

Kathy Cassel said...

Hi. My name is Kathy and I read about your volunteer work on another blog that had your story. I am writing an article for Living with Teens about the benefits of doing volunteer work and I'd like to interview you by e-mail for it if its okay with both you and your parents.

Were you at Florida Christian Writer's Conference last year? If so, we met. I'm Jessica's mom. My e-mail is

Roheryn said...

Ya don't need to tell me twice

I'm taking two English Courses a semester, and I'm pretty confident 'bout them...
this semester's course was Shakespeare, next is Mythology, and my full year ish Creative Writing

as soon as I fix it, I'm going to post the Sestina I wrote for CW...